Post by malaria on Jun 18, 2019 15:39:36 GMT -5
"My heart is bad! My hockey teams are bad! I'm bad all over... except, of course, in Quebec, which is a *distinct society.*
"A gulf? Is that like the Bay of Fundy?"
"Well, I don't know who this 'Mike Harris' guy is, but I'm sure I wouldn't like him!"
"Gee, Miss Crabtree, you're almost as pretty as Dalton McGuinticuddy, that is if he were a girl and didn't look like Anthony Perkins."
"I'm the Barber of ... SUD-BURRRYY!!"
"Here's a nice Ottawa NHL franchise, lady,,, wouldja like to buy IT?
"How come every team in these football games is called the Roughriders?"
(sung in perfect, moving harmony at baptism): "I'm a-leanin' on Bernard Lord/I'm a leanin' on Bernard Lord (hallelujah)/to guide us to, um, Moncton"
"How was the technocracy when Hydro One middle management went out on strike and absolutely nothing untoward occurred?"
(Alfalfa): "I'd like to fight... Waldo "Tony" Clement!!"